Home Features Agents of SHIELD vs. Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Agents of SHIELD vs. Buffy the Vampire Slayer

by Stephen Huynh

With the latest episode of Marvel’s Agent’s of S.H.I.E.L.D., I quickly came to realize something. Although I’m ashamed that it took me awhile to connect the dots, Agent’s of S.H.I.E.L.D. is really showing itself to be Buffy the Vampire Slayer, another Joss Whedon brainchild. Joss Whedon did once reveal to Entertainment Weekly that Buffy had inspired Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Let’s look at the facts.

Buffy (played by Sarah Michelle Geller) is “THE Slayer,” a young woman chosen each generation to fight the evil supernatural. As part of her role, she has increased physical strength, endurance, agility, accelerated healing, a sort of “spidey-sense” and somewhat a bit of clairvoyance (Get it?).
Skye (played by Chloe Bennet) is similar to Buffy. She’s a tough, young woman who can more than hold her own (Skye taking two bullets to the gut and Buffy enduring hell) and are both the titular female protagonist. No matter what anyone says, to me, Skye is the actual lead of this show. Everything is centered around her and everyone has a reason to being connected to her. Coulson and May know the secret about her parents, Ward loves her to the point where he’ll kill for her and Fitz and Simmons just want to be her best friends. After having been shot in the gut, Skye was injected with (what we can only assume) is Kreeblood. For all we know now, she’ll soon be getting her own set of powers soon enough. She sort of already has the accelerated healing down, somewhat.

Phil Coulson (played by Clark Gregg) and Rupert Giles (played by Anthony Stewart Head) serve as the sort-of older father figure who gives guidance to these young adults in their on-going fight against evil. They’re both part integral members of a bigger “good” organization (S.H.I.E.L.D. and The Watchers’ Council) and have extinguished themselves as exceptional members of said organizations. Both Coulson and Giles take to their roles and trains/guides their team.

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