Home Film & TVAnime ZENONZARD: Artificial Card Intelligence – A New Digital Mobile Card Game by Bandai

ZENONZARD: Artificial Card Intelligence – A New Digital Mobile Card Game by Bandai

by Neil Bui

Bandai will release a new card game this May called “ZENONZARD: Artificial Card Intelligence.” What sets this apart from other current card games is that it’s a digital mobile card game that utilizes a specialized AI.

Start Screen

This AI will be called Artificial Card Intelligence or “ACI” and is developed by HEROZ Kishin, an AI leader in Japan. Zenonzard will provide players with their own ACI assistants, who will learn and grow through gameplay, adding a new element to the card game genre.

These Buddy AIs are called “codemen” and will give advice during battles, offering their input on everything from card selection to offensive and defensive strategies, allowing players to quickly learn the gameplay. These codemen can also help with deck construction or replaying past games, which really reduces the learning curve for everyone. But will this result in a fair and fun game? We’ll see.

I have to say: this feels very similar to the idea of dueling with the Pharaoh/Yami Yugi from the Yu-Gi-Oh! Series: having a separate entity available to give you game-changing advice based on another person’s knowledge and experience.

Vicerave - The King
Vicerave - The King
Aoba - Lord of the Skies
Aoba - Lord of the Skies
Geraphon - Lord of Jawcrushers
Geraphon - Lord of Jawcrushers
Megaton Hammer
Megaton Hammer

Stay tuned for more about Zenonzard! Pre-registration is expected to begin in early April with a special Zenonzard Campaign held at card shops around the US. However, with coronavirus affecting all industries, Bandai has yet to make an official update or announcement in regards to their plans.

Official Website: https://www.aicarddass.com/zenonzard/en/

Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/ZenonZ_official

Official Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/zenonzard/


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