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3 Games To Help You Get Into Nerd Culture

by Guest Submission

Nerd culture may be the most popular it’s ever been. With superhero films being some of the largest blockbusters of the past decade or so, it’s easy to see why.

That’s led to more and more people getting interested in the niche. Despite their interest, many still wonder: where exactly do I begin?

How To Get Into Nerd Culture: 3 Games To Play

1. Dungeons & Dragons

When many people think of nerd culture, Dungeons & Dragons is one of the first things they’ll think about. There are more than a few aspects to this.

The franchise has been around for decades and has become increasingly popular during this time. Much of this has been driven by the addictive gameplay, deep lore, and ability to play with friends.

Coupled with that are the multiple offshoots and versions of the game. Regardless of your playstyle, you shouldn’t have a problem enjoying yourself.

People enjoy playing DnD for quite a few reasons, including:

  • The ability to create and customize your dream character.
  • Enjoying a game with a group of friends.
  • Exercising your brain.

While there can be multiple rules to learn, there shouldn’t be a problem getting to grips with these. Be patient, and you shouldn’t have a problem enjoying yourself.

2. World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft has been one of the most popular games in nerdom for decades. If you’re wondering how to get into nerd culture, it could be one of the first things you think of.

That’s primarily because of the vast range of media that the franchise has. While the Activision/Blizzard-owned MMORPG may be the most notable parts of this, it also boasts comic books and a Hollywood adaption.

These can be effective ways of brushing up on the franchise’s lore before getting into the game itself. Once you do, your experience could be taken to a whole new level.

There are more than a few reasons why you should consider playing World of Warcraft, including the chance to escape into a different world, socialize with people around the world and delve deep into the game’s rich backstory and lore.

It’s easy to get lost in the rabbit hole that is WoW. Playing it can be an enjoyable way to get into nerd culture, however.

Coupled with the above is the sheer enjoyment of playing the game. Since there’s a free trial available, there shouldn’t be anything stopping you from giving it a try.

3. Pathfinder

With Dungeons and Dragons having been popular for quite some time, it’s understandable that it’s led to multiple offshoots. One of the more notable of these is Pathfinder.

Since its release, the game has continued to be popular. That’s primarily driven by the multiple updates that it’s received.

Its developers continually listen to the community and aim to implement requested features which has led to more and more interest in the title in recent years.

That doesn’t mean that it’ll be overwhelming to start playing. In contrast, it can be quite welcoming to new players.

Though there are things that you’ll need to learn about playing, such as mechanics, that’s the same with every title. Pathfinder, however, looks to make this easy.

With its active player base, engaging online play, and intriguing storyline, it’s easy to see why the game has stayed popular in recent years. If you want Dungeons and Dragons with a bit of a twist, then this could be the option for you.

That’s especially true with the launch of the title’s second edition, which boasts:

  • Customizability
  • Tactical Encounters, and more.

How To Get Into Nerd Culture: Wrapping Up

Figuring out how to get into nerd culture can seem complicated at the beginning. Once you’ve started, however, you will find how easy it is to become absorbed by it all.

Communities within the area focus on enjoying particular things, such as anime, manga, and more. If gaming isn’t your thing, then you could always focus on one of the many other areas within nerdom.

There shouldn’t be anything stopping you from enjoying your interests.

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