Home Film & TVK-Content Money Heist: Korea – Joint Economic Area Teaser Released

Money Heist: Korea – Joint Economic Area Teaser Released

by Neil Bui

The upcoming Netflix series Money Heist: Korea – Joint Economic Area, a remake of La casa de papel, has released a teaser that showcases more of what is to come in this new version of a familiar premise.

With the story’s setting shifting to Korea, there’s an interesting new context that has been added to the story: the idea of a reunified Korea with the main theme still being the have-nots making a great effort against the haves.  

The premise takes audiences to a Korea that is on the brink of unification with North and South Korea having established the Unified Korea Mint that is printing a singular common currency as the beginnings of a stable joint economy. Yet despite public optimism, “only the rich got richer” and inequality remains. 

A Robin Hood-esque effort from a crew of thieves, led by the Professor, plan the titular heist with the twist of stealing money that does not even exist yet. The team includes Tokyo, an ex-soldier from North Korea and if you’re confused on the character’s name, note that the original series had the team members take on aliases based on cities around the globe. 

The series will feature high stakes of life and death with a joint task force led by South Korean Negotiation specialist, Seon Woojin, and a North Korean agent, Cha Moohyu.

“The themes of a common currency and a mint built in the Joint Security Area (which divides North and South Korea today) are the premise of the series, which adds the Korean flavor and excitement to the original story,” said the writer Ryu Yong-jae.

Money Heist: Korea – Joint Economic Area Part 1 will premiere worldwide on June 24, only on Netflix.

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