Home Film & TVHorror Reginald the Vampire: First Season Wrap Up

Reginald the Vampire: First Season Wrap Up

by Neil Bui

It’s been a roller coaster of a first season for Reginald the Vampire, as what started off as a simple quest to enter a relationship became a vampire entanglement.

For ten episodes, audiences have followed the journey of Reginald Andres as he navigates life as a newly turned vampire. It’s been a blend of horror-genre-world-building, the turbulent navigation of young adolescent romance, and simply another take on the hero’s journey of being good and standing alongside friends and loved ones.

Jacob Batalon as Reginald Andres was sincere and earnest at his core, and understandably selfish and foolish at his worst. Mandela Van Peebles as Maurice proved time and time again to be the kind of mentor and friend anyone would want in their corner.  


Jacob Batalon shares his favorite part of the #ReginaldTheVampire series which includes passing the baton to others as an actor. Catch Reginald The Vampire on @syfy tomorrow night! 🧛‍♂️ Watch Part 1 here: @dorkaholics

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The series has been bold with its storytelling, giving each episode the opportunity to utilize whatever motif necessary to tell the story of Reginald the Vampire in ten 45-minute episodes.

There were episodes that utilized black and white cinematography, major flashback scenes to understand the experiences from before the start of the series, and even the playful use of music and karaoke.

And while some plot points along the way required a double-take to realize whether or not a crucial line was missed (often not the case, simply just significant moments which took place off-camera), by the season finale, viewers are rewarded with a resolution that deals with the conflict, provides a feeling of resolution and development, and teases major and world-shifting details that will need to be addressed in a second season.

For those not caught up yet with Reginald the Vampire, please do. It’s been a fun and enjoyable ride this past fall.

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