Home ComicsDC Comics The Batman: Asking Robert Pattinson and Matt Reeves About Robin

The Batman: Asking Robert Pattinson and Matt Reeves About Robin

by Neil Bui

Following Warner Bros.’s early screening of The Batman, Dorkaholics had an opportunity to ask the cast and crew questions, and chose to use this moment to ask about the possibility of a Boy Wonder.

Neil Bui: Will you be expanding the Bat Family? Rob, do you want a little Rob… Robin?

Robert Pattinson: Yeah, but he has to be 13, that’s the only way I’ll accept this. I love ‘Death in the Family.’ I think that’d be so cool. People are so scared of it, but it’s kind of exciting. I think it would be a really fun addition.

Matt Reeves: Yeah, there’s no way we would do that. No, I’m kidding. I agree with [Rob]. The thing about doing a Batman movie is it’s scary to do a Batman movie. Because first of all, there’s been great ones, and also every single one of you has a vision of Batman in your head. And so, we’re competing with the vision. One of the things I was doing when I was writing, I was walking down the street  one day and I suddenly noticed ‘oh my god, Batman sweatshirt… oh my god, Batman cap.’ And if you just notice it, I’m talking to some roundtables today, people have their Batman shirts on. It means so much to people and 80 years of it. It’s like an incredible thing.

Matt Reeves: And I do think towards what Rob is saying, I also like ‘Death in the Family.’ And I think the idea of being able to approach some of those stories and think, ‘How can we do this in a way that feels fresh and grounded in a way like ‘look at that scary thing’ and see if there’s a way to do it.’ The question is, will we be too scared? But I think we should try.

Catch The Batman in theaters on March 4! Check out the rest of our Dorkaholics coverage on The Batman: interviews with Robert Pattinson, Zoë Kravitz, Matt Reeves and Dylan Clark.

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