The long-anticipated return of the one true Peter Parker has finally occurred! Following the 32 issues of Superior Spider-man, today marks the release of The Amazing Spider-man #1 (comic, not …
Don Pham

Film:Â Amazing Spider-Man 2 Runtime: 142 minutes Rating: PG – 13 Synopsis: We’ve always known that Spider-Man’s most important conflict has been within himself: the struggle between the ordinary obligations of …
It looks like it’s back to the drawing board on this Fantastic Franchise, or at least that’s the word on the streets! Rumors stated that Fox is dumping director John …
Marvel Comics
Doctor Strange Movie will be Matrix/Miyazaki/Ditko/Kubrick Mash up
by Don Phamby Don PhamTry saying that title five times fast! Marvel’s President of Production, Kevin Feige recently explained to Badass Digest how Marvel plans on introducing magic into the Marvel realm. Feige was reported to …
In response to the growing popularity of superheroes in the film industry, people have been wanting to get in touch with the heroes’ true origins in the comics. But where …
FINALLY! We are all so much closer to the Fantastic Four reboot this franchise so clearly deserves. As for their choices in the cast, judge for yourself! First off, Reed …
We gave you the heads up, now we’re giving you the review on the first 2 episodes of Caper! You can catch the show right now on Youtube: Episode 1 …
Marvel Comics
From Lost to Wasp? Evangeline Lilly Lands Female Lead Role in Ant-Man
by Don Phamby Don PhamFor those that aren’t yet in the know, the little Ant-man is on his way to the big screen with some powerhouse actors already confirmed for their roles. (Click here for …
DC Comics
Super Team for Superman! Geoff Johns and John Romita Jr. Confirmed as New Writer and Artist
by Don Phamby Don PhamIt’s a bird! It’s a plane! No, look–it’s Geoff Johns and John Romita Jr.! Anyone that knows me can tell you I’m not the biggest Superman fan, but when you …