Home ComicsDC Comics The Batman: Preview the Batmobile, Bat-Suit, and Gadgets

The Batman: Preview the Batmobile, Bat-Suit, and Gadgets

by Neil Bui

As we approach the release of The Batman, eager fans have been treated to a series of interviews and featurettes showcasing the Batmobile, Bat-Suit and other gadgets from the film.

With each additional iteration of the Caped Crusader, it seems the Bat-Suit becomes more flexible for the benefit of the leading actor and with Pattinson’s debut the tradition continues.

“The first time I put on this Bat-Suit… There’s so much more maneuverability. You could actually jump around. You could crash into stuff,” Pattinson explained. “The suit does not make him invincible. It’s just a few panels of bulletproof armor and the rest is how much Bruce believes in it and how much his adversaries are scared of it.”

Speaking more broadly about the wide array of equipment Batman has at his disposal for his war on crime in Gotham, Pattinson noted an appreciation for the unpolished quality of this take on the Dark Knight.

“I like the handmade nature of everything. You can see the construction. There’s an element of showing how do-it-yourself his version of Batman is,” Pattinson stated.

When it comes to one of the most important elements to Batman’s iconography, the Bat Symbol, we find out that this one also functions as a weapon, but not necessarily the gun that killed his parents as some fans predicted when the first trailer was released.

“His tactical knife is actually stored as part of his chest plate and is actually his Bat logo,” property master Jamie Wilkinson explained.

Now what’s a Batman without his Batmobile?

“Even the Batmobile looks like something he built himself in his basement,” Pattinson added. “Obviously it looks pretty cool.”

How many additional tools can you spot in the preview? Catch The Batman in theaters on March 4! Check out the rest of our Dorkaholics coverage on The Batman: interviews with Robert Pattinson, Zoë Kravitz and Matt Reeves.

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