When girls ask more about my job, are they really interested or just gold digging?
– Mr. Moneybags

Photo by Neil Bui.
Dear Moneybags,
If a girl is asking you about your job, take this [rare] opportunity to talk yourself up. Generally, you shouldn’t worry about gold digging. A prospective love interest inquiring about your job is definitely a good thing. Consider the following possibilities:
–“Quality assurance? What’s that? Sounds like an important job- how did you land it?”
-“I bet working the night shift in the ER is tough. Do you think you’ll get promoted? If you do, will you have more normal hours?”
No, she’s not interested in dropping her barista gig and stealing your job and money. She’s giving you an opening to talk about yourself. Probably because she finds you either attractive or mildly intriguing (hopefully both) – enough to inquire more about your life. This is your chance to shape her perception of you– go ahead… feed her sweet optimistic truths that will make you seem smart yet down to earth, sweet yet slightly awkward, well-off financially yet too busy to really spend any of your money. That being said — make it clear that there’s room in your life for her, no matter how demanding your job is.
“Quality assurance is part programming, problem-solving, and a lot of patience.”  you chuckle humbly “I like to think it’s pretty important, but sometimes I feel a little under appreciated… that’s why I feel like I could get used to hanging out with you” you lift your forefinger to lift her chin playfully “your cuteness could very well help me keep my sanity”
“Pharmacy tech jobs are hard to come by so I had to take what I could get at the hospital. Once I finish pharmacy school I’ll have the flexibility to work other places as an actual pharmacist and choose my own days and hours. I guess we’ll just have to spend all my days off together to make up for the nights that I have to be away”
Swoons all around. And scene.